Wednesday 10 November 2010


If there is one thing that always makes me feel better is shopping. As the years have gone by i've learnt how to block out the guilt of spending money i shoould be either saving or doing something much more productive with and just learnt to enjoy the sheer joy when i bring home new shiney things. (not always shiney.)
I was having an utterly rubbish day today, nothing major just one of those days when everything that could go wrong did. Dropping red hot GHDs on my foot, breaking plates, dropping computers, laptop not working, the list could go on. But it got to about 3 o'clock and i though fuck this, retail therapy was calling me bit style.  I even braved the freezing british winter and complete weirdos on public transport to head into Nottingham town centre. And it was so worth it.....

Here is the outcome. Brought an awesome t-shirt from Topshop. Only 1 left in my size. Now if that wasn't meant to be, then i don't know what is. Also got 4 Barry M nail varnishes. Spent about 10 minutes trying to narrow it down to only 4. I absolutely adore Barry M products, you might call it an addiction ;) A bourjois pencil sharpener, which may sound a bit pointless but i can assure you its no ordinary pencil sharpener. Its amazing! Every girl should have one in their make-up bag. And thats exactly what else i brought, i new make up bag to put it all in and of course me being me, it had to be leopard print. Oh and i nearly forgot my new eye shaddow palett and lipstick, how could i?! these are my favourite bits. Going for the goth look with a dark purpley/red lipstick and the eye shadow palett was only £5. Although i'm yet to see if its actually any good as i've never tried this make before.  I'll defifnately be trying it as soon as.

                                                      My new lipstick. i absolutely love it <3

Thats enough of me blabbering on about my dirty shopping addiction. Although i am on the look out for my birthday dress so as soon as i find that it will be on here :D
happy wednesday everyone. big snogs. xo

Wednesday 3 November 2010

2 years....

I always leave it so long between blogs and then i totally forget whats happened and what i've dome. I can take this one of two ways. Either i'm borring and nothing i do is very memorable or i'm not with it and have a terrible memory. Fingers crossed its the latter.
But one thing has happened that stands out. Lee and i celebrated out 2 year anniversary a few weeks ago. The last two years have the most amazing, fustrating, interesting and hard working i've ever had. I didn't think you could learn so much from someone and still find things out about a person even 2 years later, then love them even more. When we first met it wasn't the best situation to be in but i knew that we were never going to be 'just friends'. When you meet someone and you have that moment that you can't explain, you just know that persons going to be a big part of your life don't let it get away. Although pretty much everything was against us at the beginning, i look back and this theres absolutely nothing i would change and everything thats happened has made us stronger.

                                                                 This is my Lee <3
The most wonderful,gorgeous,strong, intelligent and amazing man i've ever met.I never knew what it was to really be loved until i met him. For some reason this man adores me. To be in the love and have that love returned is the best feeling in the world. I honestly cannot wait to build a future with this man, have all our own firsts and grow old together. I know its jumping the gun as we've only been together 2 years but if this is it then i'm a happy woman.
                                             We stayed in a lovely hotel for the weekend.
It was just how it looked online and its pretty much where we spent 2 days. I was so nice to spend proper time together without anyone else or any interuptions. We turned our phones off and had no communication with anyone and to be honest, i could get used to it. I really hope we do this every anniversary. So in a nut shell, i bloody love this man :)

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Rain rain go away..

I'm so looking forward to every aspect of winter appart from the rain. I hate it. I went out looking reasonable and came back look, well, awful. Any sign of humidity and my hair turns into something that resembles stig of the dump. Not cool. So to cheer myself i went and bout some gorgeous new shoes. I fell in love with two pairs. First ones were red velvet platforms but i decided on these beauties....

I thought i could wear them with far more things and to be honest i'll probably go and buy the red ones next week :)
Fully successful trip on the buy of Catherine's presents which im very happy about. I spent a hell of the lot more than i thought i would but i guess she shes worth it. Just hope she likes it when she opens it on friday :)


Today im having a very self-indulgent day. Its my last day off before i have to work 7 days in a row, so i'm making the most of it. I didn't wake up til 12o' clock! Our bed is so so comfy i just never want to leave. It felt amazing, although i currently have neck ache because i have far too many pillows. We have 6 between us and it usually works out 5-1, which obviously is completely fair :) I feel like princess and the pea everytime i stay over.

And this currently what i look like. I'm even doing the whole facemask malarki. Although Lee just rang me and i could speak because it has completely frozen my face! not attractive. Hopefully it will make my skin amazing though. Im absolutely gutted though because as stupid as i am i've left every piece of my make up at home so i think i'll be going for the natural look today :S

I've also been splurging on some well-needed hair products recently as well. I've abused my hair far too much for as long as i can rememeber so i thought it was about time i showed it some love. Then when i packed my back for Lee's on monday i realised half of my suitcase is hair products.

Its not normal to use this much stuff in one go is it really? Also my hair does feel like silk now. So swings and roundabouts haha .
Next i'm off into town for a bit of retail therapy. I've been really good this month with saving so i thought i might treat myself seen as i get paid on friday as well. And i need to go on the hunt for my sisters birthday present, which begs the questions 'What do you buy a woman who has everything?' This is going to be a bit of a task for me, even as the dirty shopping addcit i am. Wish me luck and if i have time ill show you what i bought later and fingers crossed she doesn't read my blog. Oh, and it stops raining :(

love is...

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.  It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

moving house....

Now where do i start? I signed up on this with the intent of blogging regularly but i have already failed miserably. Which, to be honest, sums me up. I get bored of things very easily and move onto something else :S not one my best qualities.
Right, here goes. Lee has moved into his new house which is lovely. As nice as the old house was it was, without a doubt, a student house. Big but not very homely which is the oposite of this place. Its in Bobbers Mill which is an adorable name for a place. It almost sounds whimsical and i love it. The only downfall is the neighbours. They are epitome of common and vile. Angry horrible little woman who takes it out on the guys if they even breath. She is clearly unhappy with her life and thinks is easier to shout and scream at complete strangers than address her issues. What a sad exsistance she much have.
Anyway i'm currently very proud of myself. As Lee works an awful lot i decided to make it room look like a bedroom for him and heres the results....

It went from this to this....

The colours are obviously a bit mis-match but we'll work on that. Ive never put any furniture together before yet somehow managed to to put the wardrobe, drawers(may have had a little bit of helo from lee with that), another set of drawers and a bed. I would make an awesome housewife :D I can't wait for Lee and i to get our own place so i can do it all again just not looking forward to taking all the furniture apart to move it all out, it will break my heart. Anyway thats all i have to say on moving in. Hopefully this house will have just as good memories as the last one :).

Wednesday 18 August 2010

the weekend..

Today i'm going to tell you what an awesome weekend i had. I realise its nearly the following weekend but better late than never.
Lee lives with a few guys, one of them called Ja (Jamie). He made the decision to go to Canada for two years where his family are. This means he will get dual citizenship which, as you can imagine will open up so many doors in the future. I think this is an incredibly brave thing to do and i admire a man with such strength .Afterall how easy would it be just to stay with his friends/girlfriend and live the same old life?! But he's followed is decision through and last weekend was his going away party... It was one of the best parties i've ever been to.
So many people turned up and to feel that kind of love forwards you must be amazing.
 We had organised a proper game related party. 90% of them including drinking granted...

This is the score card. I have a feeling a lot of thought went into this :) but it was totally worth it. Its pretty self explanitory. Everyones names are on then across the top, every activity people had 12 hours to do from 7pm. I was so impressed how much everyone got into the swing of things. There was a couple of people who weren't even drinking and they were having shot out of their belly button. Now i realise how 'Spring Break' that is but it was fantastic. The atmosphere was so happy and relaxed and i really hope we gave him the send off he deserved.

This is the lovely Ja and to be honest Canada is a bloody lucky country to have him. We met when him and Lee moved in together and admitantly we didn't really know how to take eachother at first. We're completely different and quite frankly i'm borderline offensive without realising it most of the time. But as time went by i realised what a sweetheart he is. I feel it's so rare these days to find someone whos genuine and has a good head on their shoulders. So once we worked eachother out i got to know what Ja was really like and i have to say its been an absolute pleasure getting to know him and i know someone like him will go far in life. I wish him all the luck in the world and i'm already looking forward to the fun that is bound to happen when he comes back.